Saturday, July 25, 2015

Post XVI. PowToon

Nowadays, there are a lot of tools that aim to make content presentations not only informative, but also engaging.
PowToon is a web-based software of that kind. It is a constructor that allows you to create animated videos and presentations by using a set of predesigned templates. The process of the creation of a video is very simple. When you are in the construction mode of the PowToon software, you generate a group of slides just like you usually do while working on a presentation. Then, PowToon combines this collection of slides into a video so that each slide represents one video scene. PowToon has a drag-and-drop interface, which enables the creation process to be very fast. The software is integrated with GoogleDrive.
PowToon offers free and paid usage plans. The produced video presentation can be shared on YouTube and Facebook freely, but to download the video to your computer, you should pay for subscription. Unsurprisingly, paid versions of the software have more animated and still templates to choose from.
Watch a short video about the history of presentation software created using PowToon.

Do you like the idea of such entertaining presentations? As students, would you like your professors to invest their time, money, and effort in this software? As teaching personnel, would you try it on your lessons?


  1. Anything that can make a powerpoint presentation more engaging is a good thing! PowToon sounds like a very engaging and powerful tool. I would definitely consider using this, but would allow my students to use a variety of tools. I think I would need to give them an option - use PowToon, Prezi, or Powerpoint. That way they are not limited to only one tool. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Great idea to let students choose which presentation software to use in their projects. I really like it!
