Monday, July 6, 2015

Post V. Article. To Use or Not to Use Web 2.0 in Higher Ed?

Among class materials from one of my other courses, I found an article with an intriguing title: To Use or Not to Use Web 2.0 in Higher Education? It was written by Gabriela Grosseck in 2009 and can be found here.

It seems that Grosseck adores using lists of points for presenting her ideas. I usually do not appreciate that style of writing because it overwhelms me a lot. However, in some cases it may be useful. For instance, this “points-based” organization of an article facilitates search for a concrete idea that you would like to cite, but have forgotten its particular place in the text.

The article focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of the utilization of Web 2.0 tools for enhancing student learning in higher education. It also includes a list of particular examples on how the Web 2.0 tools she identified can be used in the classroom (blogging for quick peer-to-peer feedback, wikis for class FAQ, etc.)


  1. Thanks for sharing that Varby! I have booked that article to my Diigo so I can read it after work later! What do you feel is the greatest advantage of utilizing Web 2.0 tools for learning?

    1. I think it is the engaging nature of the tools. School can be boring for teenagers, and Web 2.0 tools’ usage makes the learning process more appealing to students. What advantage would you name as “the number one”?

  2. Thanks for sharing Varby! Not too long article, but it includes nice summary. I enjoyed reading :)

  3. Thanks Varby!
    This article is a good source of all sorts of points about Web 2.0 :)
    I think it is a really good one for making pictographs because of the listing nature of the article.

    1. Yes, I definitely should try this pictographs stuff.
