Saturday, July 4, 2015

Post III. MentorMob

From my opinion, the MentorMob project exemplifies the Web 2.0 idea at its best. The website represent a collection of courses on different skills and hobbies that can be accessed for free. It should be noted the number of the offered skills’ categories is quite small (only 8, including parenting, photography, entrepreneurship, etc.); however, courses are thoroughly organized and very informative.

It is interesting how the MentorMob team members create the content. They search for quality materials on the Internet and then categorize them under the corresponding skill. Thus, it is some kind of a wiki, but greatly structured. This way of content arrangement allows the user to save enormous amount of time and concentrate on learning. If you are an expert who would like to contribute to the project, the website provides you with such an opportunity. 

I am learning photography now, so I primarily use the MentorMob website as a reference book (e.g., when I need to refresh my knowledge of the Exposure Triangle concept).


  1. Thank you for introducing this site. I had never heard of it. Quite an interesting mix of topics. It will be interesting to see how the site develops, or fizzles, over time. I like the concept.

    1. Glad to be helpful. I hope they keep adding new, more academia-oriented courses.

  2. Thanks for sharing this site. Checking it out now.

  3. I've never heard of this site before! Thanks for sharing. Do you know if 'regular people' can add to the lessons, or is it driven by the staff?

    1. As I understood, “regular people” can send the materials they want to share to the site’s administration, and after revision, they will be published. Sounds great, huh?

  4. I think you've really hit on something here. This type of 'content curation' seems to be a rising phenomenon in the Web 2.0 world. Apple is certainly attempting to use the idea of curation to sell it's new music service ( and this seems to be similar, in that the admins (?) are curating information regarding skills from a variety of sources.

    Maybe you should think about how content curation would work in your field. Then, you can make your own "mentor mob" like service. And retire early and rich!

    1. What a great suggestion! I would be happy to establish a project like this in the future. The only thing I don’t understand is how they monetize their service (talking about retiring rich).

  5. Yes, thanks for sharing! I did not know about Mentor Mob! I'm curious to the answer to germangirls's question if regular people can add to the lessons? I don't particularly find any of the limited categories beneficial for me but I did explore in the Photography section to get a better feel of what the lessons are like. This seems like a great tool!

    1. Glad you liked it even though the categories are so limited.
